~ NIT Network Solution ~

Management, Controller, Security, Application, Architecture, Setup and Deploy

~ NIT Cyber Security Solution ~

Prevent security breaches starts with exploits detection and build up protection before you connect.

~ NIT Arduino Hacks ~

Digital controller had been applied widely in this era. It playing maih role in IoT handling sensors and actuators with programmable decision making as well as Artificial Intelligence.




Simulation of Electronics ~ THINKERCAD

The IR 4.0 promote IoT to the next mandatory level where the deployed nodes are usually consist of sensors and a controller. So, how do we deploy a working controller with sensors and getting live data from it?

All we need to begin is the controller setup, in this tutorial, we will be using Arduino. Sometimes, it is difficult for those without practical experience and start using it with imaginations. So, we will introduce a simulation tool ~ THINKERCAD which you just need a web browser.

" Tinkercad is a free online collection of software tools that help people all over the world think, create and make. We’re the ideal introduction to Autodesk, the leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. " --- THINKERCAD